September 15 ▪ Day 258

Scripture Readings

Proverbs 23:23
Micah 7
I Samuel 1
Luke 5
Psalms 74

Verse Focus (Proverbs 23:23)

Buy the truth and do not sell it —
     wisdom, instruction and insight as well.


The August 15 meditation has been updated. Click on the link below to read it:

Placeholder for September 15 meditation … to be updated on October 16, 2021.

One Reply to “September 15 ▪ Day 258”

  • Well, I can tell I’m tired as I read the updated August 15 devotional and verses, not thar for Sept.15. My ferry just docked, so it will have to suffice for my morning devotions. Kirsty, my prayers are with you, that the perfect job for you opens up. Also I ask the Lord to help you as you help your family navigate many affairs and new responsibilities, related to your brother’s untimely death. May they see your hope is in the Lord, and may they be drawn back to Him.

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