September 19 ▪ Day 262

Scripture Readings

Proverbs 24:6
I Samuel 8–9
Luke 9
Psalms 78

Verse Focus (Proverbs 24:6)

Surely you need guidance to wage war,
     and victory is won through many advisers.


The August 19 meditation has been updated. Click on the link below to read it:

Placeholder for September 19 meditation … to be updated on October 20, 2021.

One Reply to “September 19 ▪ Day 262”

  • In reading the verses for today, 2 thoughts are prominent. From Luke, and 1 Samuel, that we often want to follow the Lord on our terms. But to be true followers, it must be on His terms. Then from Psalm 78, God chose David to be the next king. Most would consider David to have to training or qualifications to role; he was only a lowly shepherd. But a Shepherd is exactly how Jesus described His own role as our King. He does not just rule us. As sheep, we tend to wander, focus only on the grass right before us. We need a Shepherd to keep us on track, scan the area for predators, lead us to streams, and guide us individually and as a flock. That is what a good king would do, lead people as a whole, yet know each subject individually. We are so. Lesser the our God is both King and Shepherd.

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