October 1 ▪ Day 274

Scripture Readings

Proverbs 25:9–10
II Samuel 1–2
Luke 21
Psalms 90

Verse Focus (Proverbs 25:9–10)

9If you take your neighbor to court,
     do not betray another’s confidence,
10or the one who hears it may shame you
     and the charge against you will stand.


Alas, no updated meditation today. I hope that tomorrow will prove more productive!

Placeholder for October 1 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.

2 Replies to “October 1 ▪ Day 274”

  • This morning, words from Psalm 90 struck a chord in me. The verse says that God is our dwelling place, wherever we go, He is with us. I think of a dwelling place as where I live, make my home, keep my belongings, get my mail, etc. For the past couple of months, I’ve been living half time at my dad’s, but his home is not mine. I keep bags packed, to live out of, when with him. But scripture says the Lord is to be my home. Like a nomad, I can live anywhere, but if I belong to the Lord, I should always feel at home, as He is within me. As believers, we are nomads on earth. My home is not a place, it is where my heart belongs – to Him.

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