Scripture Readings
Proverbs 25:17
II Samuel 13–14
Galatians 5–6
Psalms 96
Verse Focus (Proverbs 25:17)
Seldom set foot in your neighbor’s house —
too much of you, and they will hate you.
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Placeholder for the October 7 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.
Today’s verses in II Samuel are a twisted story of a family enmeshed with lies and deceit, showing life-changing destruction can occur when there is no open communication, and family members do not care for each other. Tamar would have become Amnon’s wife, and if he’d asked permission in the beginning, David likely would have blessed a union between Amnon and Tamar, half-siblings. Instead there is a long string of ruined lives, rape, shame, banishment, deceit, death. Children grow up learning you need to look out for your own interests first, and cycles of familial dysfunction repeat. Human nature is the same today; I can think of my own extended family, with issues a bit less dramatic, but still lies, deceit, lack of open communication, addiction, immorality, etc. Of course, the main issue is not seeking the Lord, putting Him first, living according to His will, which involves open communication and considering the needs of others. Often how people treat their own families, behind closed doors, is a good indicator of their relationship with the Lord.
How reassuring to read by Paul that God has sent the Spirit of Jesus into our hearts. We can live by the Spirit so as not to as Paul says gratify the desires of the sinful nature.