October 15 ▪ Day 288

Scripture Readings

Proverbs 26:1
I Kings 3–4
Acts 3
Psalms 104

Verse Focus (Proverbs 26:1)

Like snow in summer or rain in harvest,
     honor is not fitting for a fool.


Placeholder for the October 15 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.

2 Replies to “October 15 ▪ Day 288”

  • What struck me, in this morning’s verses, were just the verses of Peter and John walking together to the temple. They were 2 mean of very different personalities, which we know from the gospels. They had likely grown up knowing each other, as both were fishermen, of fishing families, on the same lake. And now we see them continuing together in life, bound by their purpose in the Lord. As different as they were, Peter more impulsive, loud and John more thoughtful, quieter, they chose to walk together to the temple, beginning their day together as they went to worship and teach in the temple, as well as fight opposition from Jewish leaders. They were united in purpose, focused together on this lame man, and he was healed, his life changed. As believers, God will work thru all of us, with different personalities and gifts, but we must be united in our purpose and mission for Him. This means we can’t let issues, like who is for or against getting vaccinated and wearing masks, distract us from being united in ministry and worship.

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