October 19 ▪ Day 292

Scripture Readings

Proverbs 26:10
I Kings 11–12
Acts 7
Psalms 108

Verse Focus (Proverbs 26:10)

Like an archer who wounds at random
     is one who hires a fool or any passer-by.


The September 3 meditation has been updated. Click on the link below to read it:


Placeholder for the October 19 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.

One Reply to “October 19 ▪ Day 292”

  • It seems incongruous that Solomon, who was given the gift of wisdom, would live his later life not following the ways of the Lord, or seeking His presence. I suppose he still had freedom of choice, and did not have the Holy Spirit. Also, 1000 wives and concubines would clearly be a distraction for a man. I think, at the point he continued to choose more women than was wise for 1 man, (2? 5? 25? 100? 500?), that was the point he turned from following the words of scripture, and the voice wisdom he’d been gifted. I think the lesson is that we may knowingly make 1 poor choice, rationalizing it is not that bad, we are still reading our Bibles, etc. But each successive poor choice then gets easier to make, until we’ve made a mess of our lives. Thankfully, we have the offer of redemption, in Christ. Lord, may I make good choices, and not waste the life you have given me.

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