Scripture Readings
Proverbs 26:14
I Kings 17–18
Acts 10
Psalms 111
Verse Focus (Proverbs 26:14)
As a door turns on its hinges,
so a sluggard turns on his bed.
Placeholder for the October 22 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.
I have always lived the story of the woman Elijah ended up staying with. Though down to the makings of her last meal, she is hospitable in her willingness to bring him water. She shows strength of character, when he asks for bread, showing her 1st priority is to feed her son, and herself, so she can care for her son. She shares vulnerability in revealing her dire circumstances, yet demonstrates great faith in her willingness to bake for Elijah. God rewards her faithfulness, in providing exactly what she needs for each day, and healing her son. God will never fail or forsake us, when we trust Him, but often keeps us right on the edge of need, so we must depend on Him, seek Him, daily – and daily be thankful.