Scripture Readings
Proverbs 27:20
Zephaniah 1–3
Acts 25
Psalms 126
Verse Focus (Proverbs 27:20)
Death and Destruction are never satisfied,
and neither are human eyes.
Placeholder for the November 6 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.
Today I’m thankful for the ability to learn. That’s something I’ve taken for granted for most of my life, but where would we be without that ability? This past week has been nothing but learning new things, meeting new people, and absorbing new information. Even when I don’t have the challenge of learning a new job, each day I hope to learn something new from Scripture, and learn to manage my life and my time better. I have a sibling that has early onset Alzheimer’s Disease, and I’ve seen this disease up close and personal in the past, too. One of the first things Alzheimer’s patients lose is the ability to learn new things. So I’m grateful that I still can learn new things, and I’m also grateful that we have this ability in the first place. My life is rich because I learn! Thank you, Father God.
Well stated Kirsty – learning is a gift and an opportunity we must never take for granted. We are so blessed to live in a nation where learning is available and encouraged – even though we must take responsiblity for also sorting through the magnitude of information to find the truth. No easy task these days and a reminder we must turn to our God to help us navigate these turbelent waters.
So much of scripture is the same scenario o er and over again. God’s people forsake Him, and He disciplines us/them, sometimes allowing extreme punishment. When we turn our hearts to Him and follow His way, He blesses us. Every person and generation has to learn this anew and we fail to heed the histories and His word. How sad He wants only to bless us and heal the land, yet we are slow to learn, and many reject Him altogether. The earth suffers and groans for His return. May we heed His word and care for the earth, in our own corners of land. Come, Lord Jesus!