Scripture Readings
Proverbs 28:23
I Chronicles 22–23
James 4–5
Psalms 136
Verse Focus (Proverbs 28:23)
Whoever rebukes a person will in the end gain favor
rather than one who has a flattering tongue.
Placeholder for the November 16 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.
When was the last time you laughed? Humor has been in shorter supply for me since the pandemic started, but I’m still grateful for the ability to laugh and thankful to have a sense of humor. Isn’t humor one of the things we cherish about our friends? Laughing together is one of life’s pleasures. I’m also grateful for memory. Some things will still make me laugh every time I remember them… such as the time my frightened cat jumped off the footstool to avoid visitors and ended up landing smack on top of the sleeping dog below. They both startled and the pandemonium only increased. 🙂
Today I give thanks for humor, good will, and laughter. May your day be bright with these joys!
For His steadfast love endures forever. I wonder how many times that phrase appears in the scriptures. Over and over, as if God knew we would need constant reminders. It’s easy to focus on the things that go “wrong”, rather on God’s steadfast love. David showed us how to embrace Plan B. He didn’t wallow in not being allowed to build the temple, but embraced his new role. He did what he could, using his connections, his experience, his administrative skills, and the knowledge of builders and craftsmen, to amass the resources and materials that would be needed to build the temple. What would have been an overwhelming task, for the younger and soon-to-be new king, would now become a project ready for Solomon to begin. God blessed me with Plan B, in my Angel Tree ministry this year. He blessed my acknowledgement that I could not do it alone, only with His help, as I now live half time with my Dad. He has used a small group ministry project, at my church, to embrace this ministry. I’ve had so many offers for help, it has seemed like too much, and I’ve needed to confront my preference to be in control. God gently reminds me this is His ministry, not mine. For His steadfast love endures forever.
Laughter is at the top of the list of wonderful gifts! We could have a whole session on that subject, and “what still makes you laugh when you think about it”! Thanks for the reminder of how precious and healing healthy laughter can be.