Scripture Readings
Proverbs 29:11
II Chronicles 9–10
John 8
Psalms 144
Verse Focus (Proverbs 29:11)
Fools give full vent to their rage,
but the wise bring calm in the end.
Placeholder for the November 24 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.
I am thankful for holidays! The older I get, the more meaningful these celebrations get. But even apart from the reasons why we celebrate, I’m thankful that holidays give us permission to let go of the never-ending list of things to do. There’s always more cleaning that needs to be done, and every time I take care of finances I’ll have to do it again in another week or two. It’s not like you can just do something once and be done with it. No, the chores repeat ad nauseum. But on holidays I give myself permission to forget the list of chores and just enjoy life. This holiday weekend I’m looking forward to reading the latest book by one of my favorite authors. And if I read for 5 hours in a stretch? That’s okay. 🙂
In 2 sections of John 8, Jesus talks about not judging people. Though He could, by right, as God Himself, act as judge, perhaps by coming in human form, He stepped out of His role of judging mankind, in a sense. He did not condemn the woman found sleeping with a man. His response to her accusers suggests that is partly as a man was equally sinful, and all of those present had sinned, as have we all. I think in His role on earth, He came less to judge, more to teach and love people. It is a good reminder that I have no right to judge people. I cannot see in their minds and hearts, know their circumstances or motives.
I would like to post Proverbs 29:11 in all the media newsrooms as well as in congress!
Of course, I realize it starts with me – so I need to post in my heart as well.
Enjoy your book Kirsty 🙂