Scripture Readings
Proverbs 29:15
II Chronicles 11–12
John 9
Psalms 145
Verse Focus (Proverbs 29:15)
A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom,
but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother.
Placeholder for the November 25 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.
I am grateful for Thanksgiving. I am SO glad we have a holiday dedicated to giving thanks! As children we were taught the wisdom of counting your blessings. In more recent years, however, as I’ve attempted to cultivate some practices of intentional gratitude (such as posting gratitudes on social media during November), I’ve come to realize that thankfulness is far more important than I had ever realized. Some will even say that ingratitude was at the root of Adam and Eve’s fall in the Garden of Eden! Certainly, doctors, psychologists, and scientists can tell you about the studies that have proven that thankfulness has positive effects on your health and well-being. Thankful people are happier and more resilient.
But there’s a big difference between knowing and doing. I know that giving thanks is good. But it wasn’t until I started practicing different ways of being thankful that I realized just how good it really is. Gratitude transforms you into the kind of person you want to be. So count your blessings today. Rejoice, and be happy. Happy Thanksgiving, all!
In John 9, Jesus said that as long as He was in the world, He was the Light of the world. It made me think of his death, how the sky darkened, the ground shook, the temple curtain tore, and Light of the world left this world, to battle death and Satan in hell. It was dark, literally because Jesus was no longer in this world. What a dark day of tragedy. And yet He made a way. His Light, of life eternal, could not be snuffed out. He is the brightest Son, in the darkest night – we simply have to ask Him to open our eyes.