November 27 ▪ Day 331

Scripture Readings

Proverbs 29:18
II Chronicles 15–16
John 11
Psalms 147

Verse Focus (Proverbs 29:18)

Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint;
     but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.


Placeholder for the November 27 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.

Today I’m thankful for hopes and dreams. What would life be like without hope to sustain us? Life is good, but we dream of even better things. Even now I can hear Martin Luther King’s famous words, “I have a dream.” He said it five times during that speech back in March 1963. I was too young to have heard that speech when Dr. King made it, but I’ve heard clips of the speech many times.

It has been a tough year for America and the world. We are surrounded by anger and division. I do hope for healing, and for peace. I pray for these things.

But personal dreams are just as important. Whether it’s a dream of providing better things for your family, or having an impact for positive change, these dreams are vital for bringing about the changes we desire. I was unemployed for over a year, indirectly the result of the pandemic. But I was able to use that time to pursue a personal dream. Now I’m two thirds of the way through accomplishing that dream. It will take another year to complete, but I’m grateful for progress on my personal dream. I’m grateful to have dreams to pursue. And I’m grateful for hope.

One Reply to “November 27 ▪ Day 331”

  • It’s interesting that yesterday I commented on the slaves bringing their father with them, from Africa, and today’s verses from II Chronicles mention Libya and Ethiopia coming in contact with the Israelites. I wonder if there are any early African writings that have scripture and the same stories in the OT.

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