November 29 ▪ Day 333

Scripture Readings

Proverbs 29:25
II Chronicles 19–20
John 13
Psalms 149

Verse Focus (Proverbs 29:25)

Fear of man will prove to be a snare,
     but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.


Placeholder for the November 29 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.

Today I give thanks for the virtues that make life worth living — love, kindness, patience, encouragement, peace, joy, faithfulness, beauty, and grace. There are more! Generosity, forgiveness, mercy, perseverance, honesty, trust, wisdom…. The list is probably endless. But I’m grateful that there is beauty and greatness and wonder in the world and in the people around us. Even as broken and fallible human beings, there is the spark of the divine. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by what is wrong. But I choose to look for the good — to find what is excellent, praiseworthy, and true. And I’m grateful that goodness exists. Hallelujah!

2 Replies to “November 29 ▪ Day 333”

  • So often, as in today’s verses, God tells His people that they will be successful in a battle and we see how it came to pass. But the Jews still had to show up for the battle. That is an act of faith. The soldiers in today’s reading still had to put on their armor, carry their swords, confront the enemy. We need to remember, when we pray, that likely we won’t be spared battle, but rather equipped for it.

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