Scripture Readings
Proverbs 29:26
II Chronicles 21–22
John 14
Psalms 150
Verse Focus (Proverbs 29:26)
Many seek an audience with a ruler,
but it is from the LORD that one gets justice.
Placeholder for the November 30 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.
I cannot end the month of November without giving thanks for my friends. I have treasured friends who have now passed away; they remain vivid in my memory and I remain grateful for their friendship. There are others who are dear to my heart but time and circumstance has kept us from remaining in close contact. On the other hand, there are still some friends who have remained close for several decades. There are new friends, too, whose love and support has been my mainstay over the past few years. Above all, I am grateful for the laughter, the tears, the kindness, the joy. It is impossible to recount all the friends who have made an impact on me, but the collage below contains a snapshot of some of the important people in my life. (Alas, the collage was limited to just 8 photos so I had to leave out a number of pictures that I had wanted to include.) Thank you all!
In John 14, Jesus tells the disciples they know the way to where He is going. This is now different from His earlier teachings to them, where they did not understand where He would be going. Like teaching math to children, Jesus started with adding and subtracting, before teaching algebra. The disciples had to learn much before they could comprehend and believe Jesus was really God in human form. But he prepared them for His death, and told them they’d be equipped with His Holy Spirit. I love His prophecy that, when our bodies die, our spirits will be drawn to Him. More than a room in His Father’s house, we will be with Jesus. Amen!
I share your thoughts about the profound gift of friendship Kirsty. My friends are such a treasure to me and truly a gift from God. Like you I have friends from childhood, from college, from working environments, and from church affiliations. What a blessing! Thank you for sharing the great photos – how fun!