December 20 ▪ Day 354

Scripture Readings

Psalms 119:175
Nehemiah 1–3
Hebrews 12–13
Proverbs 20

Verse Focus (Psalms 119:175)

Let me live that I may praise you,
     and may your laws sustain me.


Placeholder for the December 20 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.

One Reply to “December 20 ▪ Day 354”

  • In Proverbs 20, this morning, the words catching my eye are that a man’s steps are from the Lord and who can understand His ways. I thinknof my dad’s steps, more of a shuffle, moving slow, often hard to lift each foot. Though I am tired of living out of a suitcase, per se, I know God’s timing is perfect. It is not for me to question or know God’s timing, just to trust Him and run this race He has set before me.

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