December 31 ▪ Day 365

Scripture Readings

Psalms 150:6
Esther 8–10
Revelation 21–22
Proverbs 31

Verse Focus (Psalms 150:6)

Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD.


Congratulations to those of you who will complete reading through the Bible today! Well done, you! Hallelujah!!!

I’m curious, though… what do you think now? What are your feelings? What has surprised you the most about this journey?

Placeholder for the December 31 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.

2 Replies to “December 31 ▪ Day 365”

  • Kirsty, thank you for your commitment to this devotional. Your perseverance and depth of knowledge are inspiring, and I hope you may finish over the next year. I have a vision of your writing being published, so many can come to know the Lord more deeply, thru His word you share. I am most surprised that doing the devotional each morning converted me to needing a quiet time before I start my day. As a night owl, it has been a significant and healthy change. Thank you and may the Lord abundantly bless your New Year!

  • I also want to thank you Kirsty for motivating me to engage in this spiritual journey. I have always wanted to do this. I have had the priviledge of participating in many Bible study courses which were inspiratiional, but never one that required reading the entire Bible and thus I had not fully read certain books, such as the minor prophets and other Old Testament manuscripts. What I discovered through this discipline is how they amazingly all connect to one another – each with a profound message that reinforces one before or one in the future. I know I have heard this claim made, but it was still a revelation to me to experience it. I also appreciated the beauty of the literary styles which I don’t believe I had fully recognized. Your commentaries were so well presented and thought provoking – your talent as a writer and testimony as a child of God shone through like a beacon. I pray that you will one day be published so that others can benefit from your wisdom.
    I also greatly appreciated the comments from other readers. Their insights were inspirational as well. We are all influenced by a different set of circumstances and it is important to hear how the Bible affects our daily lives, and outlook on life. Kristina’s devotion to this project – her commentaries and honesty have been inspirational and very much appreciated.
    I now have a better understanding of how important it is to have a regular routine of reading the Word. I have also utilized various other sites to investigate further into questions I have about certain passages and/or books. I would like to spend more time learning about the historical background and the time-line behind the various writings.
    Thank you again Kirsty for your hard work it has truly been a blessing to me – God is with you.

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