December 4 ▪ Day 338

Scripture Readings

Psalms 103:11–12
II Chronicles 29–30
John 18
Proverbs 4

Verse Focus (Psalms 103:11–12)

11For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
     so great is his love for those who fear him;
12as far as the east is from the west,
     so far has he removed our transgressions from us.


Placeholder for the December 4 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.

One Reply to “December 4 ▪ Day 338”

  • Proverbs 4: God teaches the path of wisdom, but we have to choose to follow it, to be vigilant. Just like walking, we have to pay attention to every step that we take, that our foot will land on solid ground. I think of how often I would tell my young children “Watch where you’re going”. Looking to the left, while riding a bike, is a good way to crash. God warns us to be vigilant always, and He will bless our walk, not only our final destination with Him, but the step-by-step journey too.

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