
February 14 ▪ Day 45

Scripture Readings Proverbs 11:3Isaiah 39–40Mark 6Psalms 45 Verse Focus (Proverbs 11:3) The integrity of the upright guides them,      but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity. Meditation Good morning, again! Good afternoon, good day, good evening, good night. 🙂 Proverbs 11:3 tells us that integrity is a guide. We’ve already talked about integrity. Honesty, righteousness, strong moral character — these things will help you know the way to go. Integrity will help you to make the right choices. In contrast to this, the “unfaithful” or the “treacherous” are destroyed by their “duplicity” or their “crookedness.” Destroyed. That’s a pretty strong…

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February 13 ▪ Day 44

Scripture Readings Proverbs 11:2Isaiah 37–38Mark 5Psalms 44 Verse Focus (Proverbs 11:2) When pride comes, then comes disgrace,     but with humility comes wisdom. Meditation There is a well-known English proverb that says, “Pride goeth before a fall.” This is likely a corruption of the King James translation of Proverbs 16:18, which says, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Today’s proverb is in a similar vein. In the NRSV, Proverbs 11:2 says, “When pride comes, then comes disgrace; but wisdom is with the humble.” I like how the NIV translates the verse — it’s more or less the…

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February 12 ▪ Day 43

Scripture Readings Proverbs 11:1Isaiah 35–36Mark 4Psalms 43 Verse Focus (Proverbs 11:1) The LORD detests dishonest scales,     but accurate weights find favor with him. Meditation Proverbs 11:1 says, in the NRSV, “A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but an accurate weight is his delight.” I like the way this proverb is put in the NRSV because “abomination” is a stronger word in my mind. It helps me to really grasp how much the LORD hates dishonesty in commerce. But, of course, this proverb is not just about those who weigh and sell goods in the marketplace. It’s about honesty…

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February 11 ▪ Day 42

Scripture Readings Proverbs 10:31Isaiah 33–34Mark 3Psalms 42 Verse Focus (Proverbs 10:31) From the mouth of the righteous comes the fruit of wisdom,     but a perverse tongue will be silenced. Meditation Today’s verse focus is Proverbs 10:31. In the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), the verse reads, “The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom, but the perverse tongue will be cut off.” This seems straight-forward enough, and it agrees with many of the other proverbs we’ve looked at this year. But just to be thorough, I decided to look up the definition of “perverse.” Most of us are aware that perverse…

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February 10 ▪ Day 41

Scripture Readings Proverbs 10:29Isaiah 31–32Mark 2Psalms 41 Verse Focus (Proverbs 10:29) The way of the LORD is a refuge for the blameless,     but it is the ruin of those who do evil. Meditation Proverbs 10:29 says, in the NRSV, “The way of the LORD is a stronghold for the upright, but destruction for evildoers.” I take a lot of comfort in this verse, even though I don’t fully understand it. It’s interesting that the verse doesn’t say that God is our refuge (although we know from other Scripture that He is), but the way of the LORD is our refuge. In…

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February 9 ▪ Day 40

Scripture Readings Proverbs 10:27Isaiah 29–30Mark 1Psalms 40 Verse Focus (Proverbs 10:27) The fear of the LORD adds length to life,     but the years of the wicked are cut short. Meditation Today’s proverb is a short but sweet promise. As the NRSV puts Proverbs 10:27, “The fear of the LORD prolongs life, but the years of the wicked will be short.” As if we needed another reason to fear the LORD! We already know that the fear of the LORD brings wisdom, understanding, health, prosperity and protection — now we can add more years of life to the list. All in all,…

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February 8 ▪ Day 39

Scripture Readings Proverbs 10:26Isaiah 27–28II Peter 1–3Psalms 39 Verse Focus (Proverbs 10:26) As vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes,     so are sluggards to those who send them. Meditation The proverbs we look at in depth each day are but a selection from the entire book of Proverbs. Naturally, I selected proverbs that have made an impression on me over the years. Since I struggle with laziness, it’s not surprising to find that today’s proverb is another one that looks at the problem of sluggards. Proverbs 10:26 says, in the NRSV, “Like vinegar to the teeth, and smoke to…

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February 7 ▪ Day 38

Scripture Readings Proverbs 10:20Isaiah 25–26I Peter 4–5Psalms 38 Verse Focus (Proverbs 10:20) The tongue of the righteous is choice silver,     but the heart of the wicked is of little value. Meditation Although we have been learning of some of the dangers of the tongue, in today’s proverb, Proverbs 10:20, we learn that “the tongue of the righteous is choice silver.” Our speech has power to destroy, but it also has the power to bring life and healing. This is my earnest prayer: that I may have the tongue of the righteous. I pray for the Holy Spirit to sanctify my words.…

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February 6 ▪ Day 37

Scripture Readings Proverbs 10:19Isaiah 23–24I Peter 1–3Psalms 37 Verse Focus (Proverbs 10:19) When words are many, sin is not absent,     but he who holds his tongue is wise. Meditation Proverbs 10:19 is one of the first proverbs that I memorized: “When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.” I memorized it, of course, because it was one of the first verses that the Holy Spirit highlighted to me. I was cut to the heart. It impacted me, staying in my mind and memory. I’m a wordy person. I can talk a lot. I…

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February 5 ▪ Day 36

Scripture Readings Proverbs 10:18Isaiah 21–22Romans 15–16Psalms 36 Verse Focus (Proverbs 10:18) Whoever conceals hatred with lying lips     and spreads slander is a fool. Meditation Proverbs 10:18 is another proverb that can be understood somewhat differently depending on the translation you use. The New International Version says, “Whoever conceals hatred with lying lips and spreads slander is a fool.” The New Revised Standard Version says, “Lying lips conceal hatred, and whoever utters slander is a fool.” These translations are similar, but there are also some different nuances. As anyone who has studied another language knows, languages don’t perfectly overlap. One language may…

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