October 31 ▪ Day 304

Scripture Readings

Proverbs 27:6
II Kings 13–14
Acts 19
Psalms 120

Verse Focus (Proverbs 27:6)

Wounds from a friend can be trusted,
     but an enemy multiplies kisses.


Placeholder for the October 31 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.

Good morning, everyone! Happy Halloween. 🙂

Alas, I do not have any updated meditations this week. 🙁

It’s been quite the week, though! Even though I did not finish getting everything done that I’d hoped to do, I believe I’m ready to start work tomorrow. As you know, now that I’ll be working full-time again my goal is to update two meditations per week, graduating to three meditations per week once I’m more settled in my job. It wouldn’t surprise me, however, should I fail to get updates done in the next few weeks — I still remember what a shock to the system it was when I first started working full-time during my summers in college! The change in energy level needed is exhausting until you get used to it.

Prayers for me to adjust from being an extreme night owl to an early bird will be appreciated (along with prayers to complete the devotional project). These past two and a half weeks since I’ve been reforming my sleep schedule have gone better than I expected, but there have still been some setbacks.

I’ll continue posting the “placeholder” meditations daily until the year finishes so that everything stores properly on my website, but I’ll also post links for updated meditations on Sundays. Just none this particular Sunday. 🙂

Hallelujah! What a Savior we have!

One Reply to “October 31 ▪ Day 304”

  • Verses in II Kings 14 say Jeroboam did evil in the eyes of the Lord, yet during his reign, God improved conditions of the Jews there. God remembered His promise to His people, not to blot them from the face of the earth. Even though their current king was not faithful to the Lord, God still improved their conditions and situation. God is not constrained by the political leaders of the time. He can bless His children, work out His plans, answer prayers, and fulfill promises, regardless of who is elected to which office, of Who is president or king.

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