November 26 ▪ Day 330

Scripture Readings

Proverbs 29:17
II Chronicles 13–14
John 10
Psalms 146

Verse Focus (Proverbs 29:17)

Discipline your children, and they will give you peace;
     they will bring you the delights you desire.


Placeholder for the November 26 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.

Today I am thankful for my computer and for software. I made yesterday’s image with software that allowed me to crop my photo, pick colors from the flower, add a border, and add some text until I had created a pleasing verse image. I use word processing software nearly every day, but I remember the days of writing long-hand. I remember when typewriters were what you needed to submit papers for school. But word processing is truly a lovely tool! I use software to research family history. To create my websites. To manage my finances. To stay in touch with people. Today, I’ll use software to connect with my far-flung family via teleconferencing software. Yes, I can live without computers and software. But having them adds value to my life. And I am grateful.

One Reply to “November 26 ▪ Day 330”

  • Sojourner is a word not often used anymore, though we are sojourners in a foreign land. The word sojourner brings to mind the U.S. slaves escaping to freedom in the North. I have long wondered why the slaves would want anything to do with the white man’s God. I assumed they didn’t know of Him until coming here, but recently learned that many of the slaves believed in the Lord, before being captured and enslaved. I loved realizing the Lord was with them as they sojourned across the ocean, many dying on the way. I love knowing they knew and worshipped Him already, and to them He was God Almighty, not the white man’s God. To these slaves, their white masters surely must have been wolves who pretended to be sheep on Sundays. God surely is the Lord of the sojourners.

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