December 22 ▪ Day 356

Scripture Readings

Psalms 126:5
Nehemiah 6–7
Revelation 3–4
Proverbs 22

Verse Focus (Psalms 126:5)

Those who sow with tears
     will reap with songs of joy.


Placeholder for the December 22 meditation … to be updated as soon as possible.

One Reply to “December 22 ▪ Day 356”

  • Many verses with financial wisdom today. A modern day saying, “Don’t count your eggs before they hatch” aligns with the verses on going into debt and/or putting up collateral, in the belief the needed funds will come in. While I’m thankful I’ve been able to keep my credit card paid off each month, for a few years, I need to do better in planning for looming or unexpected items, like a newer car, a refrigerator and furnace due to wear out. I find it hard to discern how much to save for such things, versus the ability to give, to meet another’s need, when I have those funds in the bank.

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